is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • Front's siege


    It's still stopping now. My heart drummed and my uncontrollable heart bounces. We also feel it in our bone-breaking viscera, in the basic formula of our skeletons: Infinite Time is hysterical, in large cloud passages like a herd of greedy wolves among an army of lambs!

    What if I can't take this cudar atmospheric front anymore? "It just depends on your organization, like your only driving force for many, many years!" - Oh, but Summer! The heated nights of insomnia! Swirling insomnia and restlessness, which suffocates everyone as a temptation, and an orgy-winking of ripe colorful fruits, out in the kitchen garden, and

    those unforgettable, immortal passions, sighing flames that came out every summer! Wounds, purulent scars bulged like stigmas in the craters of my body, and because I was careless I now have to put up with clenched prison teeth that fatal UVB radiation measured on me! - You haven't even looked at me!

    ,, Come on! What would I have done? I was just playing with you so I could throw it away forever! ” - The destruction of the apocalypse of the universe in all your deeds, your ancient deeds! You have been exiled in your heart for a long time, and I have not found myself since! And then, as one who has long been forgotten and described, he is devastated, he digests himself incessantly! As a one-eyed prisoner of the Cyclops, he cannot escape!
